October 12, 2022 Drew Schmenner Classic Wilson Pickett cover / WED 10-12-22 / Top 10 funk hit from War with an iconic bass line / Friend of Telly and Zoe / Catfish airer / Rich, fashionable sorts Constructor: Drew Schmenner Relative difficulty: Easy THEME: AUTOTUNE (60A: Modern music staple that's a punny description of 17-, 24...
June 26, 2022 Drew Schmenner Sound at the start of gentle and giant / MON 6-27-22 / Animal relative an astonished person may claim to be / PC shortcut for copy / Pageant whose hosts have included Bob Barker, Dick Clark and Steve Harvey Constructor: Drew Schmenner Relative difficulty: Slightly harder than the usual Monday (still Easy, relax) THEME: SETTING SUN (31D: What ...