October 22, 2022 Daniel Bodily Jeff Chen White terrier informally / SUN 10-23-22 / Fourth man to walk on the moon / Rough rug fiber / Instrument for Arachne in mythology / Female nature deities / Epoch when the Mediterranean nearly dried up / How Usher wants to take it in a 1998 #1 hit / Low-scoring Yahtzee category / Adverb repeated in the Star Wars prologue / 23 answers in today's puzzle that don't seem to match their clues Constructor: Daniel Bodily and Jeff Chen Relative difficulty: Medium THEME: "To Be Continued" — Theme answers are broken acros...
October 07, 2022 Jeff Chen Mary Lou Guizzo Title bestowed by a sultan / FRI 10-7-22 / Bagful purchased at a nursery / Car modified into the Monkeemobile / Priestess of Hecate / Coffee-growing region on the Big Island / Lead-in to a Southern Ville / Animal that the Aztecs called ayotochtli or turtle-rabbit Constructor: Mary Lou Guizzo and Jeff Chen Relative difficulty: Weirdly Challenging THEME: "KETANJI / BROWN / JACKSON" (33A: Wi...
August 28, 2022 Chase Dittrich Jeff Chen Haircut common in the Marine Corps / MON 8-29-22 / Once-popular device in a den in brief / Precautionary device in a pneumatic machine / Home to more than 350 million vegetarians Constructor: Chase Dittrich and Jeff Chen Relative difficulty: Medium (i.e. average for a Monday) THEME: "PIECE OF / MY HEART" ...
July 28, 2022 Bill Pipal Jeff Chen Fastidious roommate of classic TV / THU 7-28-22 / Rumble in the Jungle promoter / 1985 benefit concert watched by nearly two billion people / Engaged in some amorous behavior Constructor: Bill Pipal and Jeff Chen Relative difficulty: Easy THEME: CUT (CORNERS) (69A: With the circled letters, a hint to solving se...
July 05, 2022 Jeff Chen Sam Koperwas Jaguar spot, for example / WED 7-6-22 / Worker with books, for short / Big hot dog? Constructor: Sam Koperwas and Jeff Chen Relative difficulty: HARD!! (37:30!!!!!!!) Word of the Day: Sonia BRAGA — She is known in the En...
June 23, 2022 Jeff Chen Early chewing gum ingredient / THU 6-23-22 / South Asian informally / Ancient dweller of Central Asia and Eastern Europe / Street food favorites topped with tzatziki / Supplier of iron carrots in old cartoons / Sprites but not Pepsis / Adam's apple locale Constructor: Jeff Chen Relative difficulty: Easy THEME: OXYGENATION (34A: Photosynthetic process "inflating" 16-, 24-, 46- and ...
May 28, 2022 Daniel Bodily Jeff Chen Kind of spider commonly found near train tracks / SUN 5-29-22 / Subject of the seven-letter mnemonic PALE GAS / Slacks say in slang / He played Ferris Bueller's droning economics teacher / Rivendell resident in Lord of the Rings / Offroad Fury 2000s video game / Eponymous physicist Mach / Govt aid for a mom and pop store / Earful in an elevator / Cousin of a bittern / Symbols of rebirth in ancient Egypt Constructor: Daniel Bodily and Jeff Chen Relative difficulty: Easy-Medium "He looks like a leprechaun"—my wife THEME: "A M...