October 08, 2022 Jessie Trudeau Ross Trudeau Like the protagonist at the start of "28 Days Later" / SUN 10-9-22 / One of the two main branches of Buddhism / Celebrity gossip show with an exclamation point in its title / Writer known for his anthropomorphic animal characters / Visual depiction of the apparatus used by the starred professionals / Mario who founded a fashion empire / One with a marsupium affectionately Constructor: Jessie Trudeau and Ross Trudeau Relative difficulty: Easy THEME: "Rise to the Challenge" — every theme answer is ...
July 23, 2022 Jessie Trudeau Ross Trudeau Rosebud ravager / SUN 7-24-22 / Downwind locales for ships / English landing spot / First pope to be called the great / NFL star Elliott to fans / Where all the people that come and go stop and say "hello," in a 1967 hit Constructor: Jessie Trudeau and Ross Trudeau Relative difficulty: Easy THEME: "Going Somewhere?" — various famous roads go Dow...