August 20, 2022 Brooke Husic Will Nediger Italian dance form from the Spanish for "walk in the street" / SUN 8-21-22 / J.G. Ballard dystopia about a man stranded between motorways / Dance move that resembles a front flip / Portuguese city with a historic university founded in 1290 / Bongo-playing 1950s stereotype / Indicators of status in Maori culture / Symbol of longevity in Chinese numerology Constructor: Brooke Husic and Will Nediger Relative difficulty: Easy-Medium THEME: "Stacking Up" — I don't think there...
June 11, 2022 Will Nediger Composer Luigi who pioneered noise music / SUN 6-12-22 / Chemical ingredient in flubber / Rock's CJ or Dee Dee / Former name for the NBA's Thunder informally / Goldman who crusaded for birth control access / Monocle-dropping exclamation Constructor: Will Nediger Relative difficulty: Easy THEME: "Didn't We Just Have This?" — words appear in the grid, and the...